Embrace Your Inner Wild
She Walks Both Worlds explores and expresses my relationships with nature, a mixed heritage and the spiritual realm and is structured in three segments. These may be viewed and experienced as much as individual parts as they may as a whole and may be experienced through installation, performance and/or workshop engagements.
Here online, press play on each of the films to both notice and enjoy the soundscape and visuals, while you view the accompanying photos and read the text and descriptions.
Concept Photography Collaboration:
Mary Jo Mullins & Douglas MacLellan
Choreography & Performance:
Mary Jo Mullins
One With Nature
This segment focusses on my relationship with nature, specifallly my meditative almost shamanic approach to communing with it daily. It serves as both a reminder and inspiration to connect, with myself, the elements and the nature that abounds within and around me.
"sense the rhythm in my feather bones" and other textual elements in the film, a soundscore of nature at its finest and flowing water reveal an intense connection to birds, particularly in springtime. This section of the work is rooted in the Sacred Direction I refer to as, The East.
The additional interdisciplinary element of structured improvisational dance, not available online, and the photographs reflect a primordial journey of flowing water to the emergence of a majestic waterbird through energetic activations of sensing, exploration and rhythm.
Walking A Fine Line
This segment focusses on my relationship with a mixed heritage, specifallly my distant indigenous roots. It serves as both a reminder and inspiration to always follow my heart.
"blurry vision enraged by fear of crossing", other textual elements in the film and an intense driving percussive musical accompaniment signify my mental struggles to both accept and integrate my ancestral inheritances. This section of the work is rooted in the Sacred Direction I refer to as, The West.
The additional interdisciplinary element of structured improvisational dance, not available online, and the photographs reflect a difficult passage through energetic activations of navigation, melody, balance and acceptance.
Ancestor Speak
This segment focusses on my relationship with the spiritual realm, specifically my communication with the ancestors and the messages they bring. It serves as both a reminder and inspiration to honour my past, present and future self.
"a vine grows to reveal the memory that stillness moves", other textual elements and an airy soundscore suggesting vast expanses of space reveal a dreamlike state of consciousness. This section of the work is rooted in the Sacred Direction I refer to as, The North.
The additional interdisciplinary element of structured improvisational dance, not available online, and the photographs reflect interconnection through energetic activations of belonging and knowing.